File Requirements

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File Requirements

PCB Assembly needs a few files in order for us to start your PCBA work. Please Send the following files to us in proper format. You will have two options to send these files to us, one is through our online webpage, the other is to send via email at referring your order number and put the email Subject as “Files for order number 123456”

BOM (Bill Of Materials)

BOM is a list of parts used in manufacturing the end products. It shows what parts are needed to assemble the boards, and where these parts should be placed and assembled. We accept the BOM in the format of .xls, xlsx or .csv. The BOM for Turn-key and Partial Turn-key orders may request a few more information than the BOM for consigned/kitted orders.

BOM for consigned/kitted orders may include following information:

  • Line#
  • Quantity Per Part Number
  • Reference Designator
  • Part Number
  • Part Description
  • Package
  • Type (Surface mount, Thru-hole or Hybrid)

BOM for Turn-key and Partial Turn-key orders may include following information:

  • Line#
  • Quantity Per Part Number
  • Reference Designator
  • Part Number
  • Part Description
  • Package
  • Type (Surface mount, Thru-hole or Hybrid)
  • Manufacturers Name
  • Manufacturers Part Number
  • Distributors Part Number

Click to Download a sample of BOM

Gerber Files

The same Gerber files in format of RS-274X that you send to us for your PCB fabrication will be required to assemble your boards. As a minimum request, PCB assembler needs the files of three layers: Silkscreen, Copper (Track) and Solder Paste. So please make sure that all these files have been included and reviewed at your side. Of course we will also review your files before assembly starts to make sure all the information is complete and accurate for assemblies.

Centroid File

Centroid is the special file for assembly used for quickly programming the assembly machines. This is also known as aka Insertion, Pick-N-Place, or XY Data. Some of the CAD tools will automatically generate this file and some not, but you may need to modify the file and then generate the Centroid file. The Centroid file describes the position and orientation of all the surface mount parts, which includes the reference designator, X and Y position, rotation and side of Board (Top or Bottom). Only surface mounting parts are listed in the Centroid.

Click to Download a sample of Centroid File


In order for us to properly assemble your printed circuits boards, we strongly recommend you send all other documents or information related to the boards to us, which may include your assembly drawings, special assembly instructions, and even images or photos of your work. These information helps us better understand your assembly needs, correcting some ambiguous or even mistaken placements, and ends up with an excellent job. Send them to us, though normally not required by assemblers.